(Photo by Felix Mittermeier on Unsplash)
Round rooms look incredibly charming from the inside. The gentle curves of a round room give off a kind of freedom that feels limitless. Roundhouses became popular in the 16th century during the golden years of the Italian Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio.
Palladio was influenced by the shapes of Greek and Roman structures and soon became obsessed with circular shapes and claimed that they were the perfect form. Ultimately, the circular designs he created became the epitome of balance and harmony.
A round room is better than a square or rectangle in many ways. Its simple shapes provide limitless flexibility in design, both exterior and interior. A circle is the most efficient space to heat, eliminating cold spots, and permitting the unrestricted circulation of air. However, circular rooms can be very tricky to decorate. Below are the 4 tips that will help you decorate round rooms.

(Photo by James McDonald on Unsplash)
1. Custom Furniture :
One of the first difficulties you'll face while decorating a circular room is how to properly fit furniture. This is because the majority of ready-made furniture available in the market are designed for rectangular rooms so they have straight lines. You won't be able to align those pieces of furniture in a round room and it will also look awkward.
So, the best option is to prepare custom-made furniture according to your taste and room shape. choosing curved-lined sofas, chairs, and round tables will help you maintain the flow of the room and give maximum interior space.

(Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash)
2. Circular Decor :
The best way to design a circular room is to go with the flow. Using small and large circular decorative elements create balance and harmony within a space. For example, you can cover the wall with circular paints or any hanging items. Small pieces of furniture such as ottoman, coffee table, chairs, etc would also create a stable space.

(Photo by Ries Bosch on Unsplash)
3. Mirrors :
Mirrors are an economic way to boost the aesthetics. Circular mirrors are always trending so you won't have to worry about them being out of trend. Placing large mirrors can reflect the curves in the room in an elegant way and give a bold and artistic statement. Mirros can soften the room with its smooth shape and create a bold look in the overall design.

(Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash)
4. Bright Walls :
According to color psychology, light-colored walls will make the room look bigger whereas dark-colored wallas will have the opposite effect. Circular spaces often look smaller than they are and give a sense of enclosure greater than rectangular rooms. This is especially true when the room is not that big and if the ceilings are low. So, you can choose light colors for your walls such as white, beige, light blue, sea foam, mint, and so on, to create an airy and large feel to the interior.

(Photo by Max Harlynking on Unsplash)
A round room is unique in its own way. If done right, it can surpass the beauty of any ordinary rectangular room. Rather than opting for a minimialsitic approach, you can try to use different styles with you interior by using different patterns, texture, and lighting.